Personal Data Processing Policy
This document (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") describes the conditions for processing personal data transmitted by you as a personal data subject (hereinafter referred to as the "PD Subject") to the IP address... as the operator of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "PD Operator"). The provisions of the Policy apply only when the PD Subject visits the PD Operator's website

1. Processing and protection of personal data

1.1. The PD Operator may collect, systematize, accumulate, store, clarify (update, change), extract, use, block, delete personal data of the PD Subject in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation: Article 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 6 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

1.2. The processing and storage of personal data is carried out electronically using automation tools to ensure confidentiality and compliance with the provisions on the protection of personal data provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Conditions for the transfer of personal data:

- The PD subject must confirm his consent to the processing of personal data transmitted through any web forms on the PD Operator's website, either by filling in a special field before sending personal data, or by the very fact of sending data, if there is no special field.

Before sending their personal data, the PD Subject must familiarize himself with the content of the Policy.The PD Operator places a link to the text of the Policy in web forms on its website so that the PD Subject has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the content of the Policy before sending his personal data.

- The PD subject consents to the processing by the PD Operator of his personal data that is not special or biometric, including contact phone numbers, residential address, email addresses, place of work and position, location information, type and version of the operating system, browser type and version, device type and screen resolution, the source of the link to the site, including the address of the source site and the text of the advertisement placed on it, the language of the operating system and browser, the list of pages visited and actions performed on them, IP address.

- The PD operator does not process personal data of a special category, including data on political, religious and other beliefs, membership in public associations and trade union activities, and the private and intimate life of the PD Subject.

1.4. Consent to the processing of personal data is valid indefinitely from the moment the data is provided by the PD Subject to the PD Operator and can be revoked by submitting an application to the PD Operator indicating the information specified in Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data". Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by sending a corresponding application by the PD Subject to the PD Operator in free written form at [postal or e-mail address].

2. Transfer of personal data

2.1 The PD Operator provides access to personal data only to the PD Subject or his legal representative in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.2 The PD Operator does not transfer personal data received from the PD Subject to third parties, except in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The Rights of the PD Subject

3.1. The PD subject or his legal representative has the right to request clarification of personal data if they have changed or if inaccuracies were made when providing them.

3.2. The PD subject or his legal representative has the right to demand the blocking or destruction of the provided personal data in case of refusal of further maintenance by the PD Operator and visiting his website.

Terms of purchase, delivery, terms, details
I. Laukhtina-Celik Tatiana Vyacheslavovna
INN 771401337060
Phone (whatsapp, telegram, Viber only) +7 (916)546-41-71
Contact email :

Public offer
Terms of sale of goods in the online store for individuals (offer agreement)

The Client - is an individual who places Orders on the site;
Seller – Online Store;
Online store, Website – The Internet site;
Product – a material object presented for sale in an online store;
Order – a duly executed Customer request for delivery to the specified address of the list of Goods selected on the Site;
Delivery Service – a third party who provides services for the delivery of Orders to Customers under an agreement with the Seller.
1. General provisions
1.1. By ordering goods through the Online Store, when placing an order on the Website, the Customer agrees to the Terms of Sale of Goods (hereinafter referred to as the Terms) set out below.
1.2. The provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on retail sale (§ 2 Chapter 30), the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Rights Protection" dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 and other legal acts adopted in accordance with them apply to the relationship between the Client and the Seller.
1.3. These Terms and Conditions, as well as information about the Product presented on the Website, are a public offer in accordance with Articles 435 and Part 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
1.4. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions, and therefore, the Client undertakes to regularly monitor changes in the Terms and Conditions posted in the "Payment Options" and "Delivery Options" sections.
2. Making an order
2.1. To place an Order, the Customer must place an order on the website.
2.2. The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Client during registration.
2.3. When placing an Order, the Customer must provide the following information:
  • Full name of the recipient of the Order
  • Order Delivery Address
  • Contact phone number.
2.4. By placing an Order, the Customer agrees to an SMS notification from the Online store and the Delivery Service, which informs the Customer about the status of the Order and does not carry advertising information.
3. Payment for the order
3.1. The order is considered completed after its full non-cash payment by Visa/MasterCard, Mir, etc. on the website
3.2. The price of the Product is indicated on the Website and can be changed unilaterally by the Seller. The price of the Product is valid at the time of completion of the order (by clicking the "Place an order" button) and is not subject to revision after placing an Order.
3.3. In case of prepayment of Goods, the Order is accepted for processing only after the Client's funds are credited to the Seller's current account.
3.4. The Seller has the right to provide discounts on Goods to the Customer and establish a bonus program. The types of discounts, bonuses, the order and conditions of accrual are indicated on the Website and can be changed unilaterally by the Seller.
3.5. Discounts depending on the total amount of the Order are provided for each Order separately, are not cumulative and are not subject to revision after placing an Order.
4. Order configuration
4.1. The paid and completed Order is completed within 2 working days from the date of receipt of payment to the Seller's account.
4.2. If the required quantity of the ordered Goods is not available in the Seller's warehouse, the Seller informs the Customer about it by phone or by sending an e-mail to the address specified by the Customer during registration. The Customer has the right to agree to accept the Goods in the quantity available from the Seller, cancel this item of the Goods from the Order, or replace the Goods with a similar one.
4.3. In case of cancellation of a prepaid Order, the cost of the canceled Product is returned by the Seller to the Customer in the way in which the Product was originally prepaid
5. Delivery
5.1. Delivery of goods is carried out by SDEK.
5.2. The cost of delivery of each Order is calculated individually, based on its weight, cost, region and delivery method, and is indicated in a separate line at the last stage of ordering on the website.
5.3. The Seller undertakes to transfer the Order to the Delivery Service within the time specified in clause 4.1. of these Terms. The Seller will make every effort to comply with the delivery dates indicated on the Website, however, delays in delivery are possible due to unforeseen circumstances that occurred through no fault of the Seller.
5.4. Upon delivery, the Order is handed over to the Customer or to the person indicated as the Recipient of the Order.
5.5. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the Goods passes to the Customer from the moment the Order is transferred to him. In case of non-delivery of the Order, the Seller reimburses the Customer for the cost of the Order and delivery prepaid by the Customer after receiving confirmation of the loss of the Order from the Delivery Service.
5.6. The time allotted by the Seller to receive the Customer's Order is limited and specified when placing an Order at the stage of choosing the appropriate delivery method.
6. Exchange and return of Goods
6.1. The return of Goods of proper quality must be made within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase, and is possible if the presentation, consumer properties and a document confirming the purchase of the specified Product are preserved.
6.2. If the Customer refuses the Product, the Seller reimburses the cost of the returned Product no later than 10 days after the date of receipt by the Seller of the Customer's written application. At the same time, the transportation costs associated with the delivery of Goods to and from the Client are borne by the Client himself.
6.3. In case of detection of Goods in the Order that do not correspond to the ordered assortment (re-sorting), the Customer has the right to refuse this Product when transferring the order and demand replacement with Goods in the assortment provided for by the Order, or a refund for the actually non-transferred Goods.
6.4. The goods transferred to the Customer in violation of the assortment conditions are subject to return to the Seller. If the Customer accepts this Product, the Seller has the right to require the Customer to pay for this Product at the price set by the Seller for this Product on the Website at the time of transfer of the Product. If the actually transferred Product is not in the Seller's assortment presented on the Website at the time of transfer of the Product, this Product is paid at the price agreed with the Seller.
6.5. If it is impossible to replace the Goods, the Seller notifies the Customer by sending a message to the email address specified by the Customer during registration, and the funds actually paid for the non-transferred goods are returned in the same way as the payment was made.
6.6. If the Seller has transferred to the Customer a smaller quantity of Goods than determined by the Order (underinvestment), the Customer, when transferring the Order, has the right to accept the Goods in the part corresponding to the Order and demand to transfer the missing quantity of Goods, or, if the missing Goods have been paid for, to demand a refund for the missing Goods.
6.7. The transfer of the missing Goods is carried out in the same way as the main Order was delivered. In this case, the costs associated with the transportation of the missing Goods are borne by the Seller.
6.8. If it is impossible to transfer the missing Goods, the Seller notifies the Customer about this by phone or by sending a message to the email address specified by the Customer during registration, and the funds actually paid for the missing goods are returned in the same way as the payment was made.
7. Refund of funds
7.1. Funds are subject to refund in the same way that was used by the Customer when paying for the Goods. Upon agreement with the Client, the payment can be refunded in another way convenient to the parties.
8. Intellectual property
8.1. All text information and graphic images on the Website are the property of the Seller.
9. Guarantees and responsibilities
9.1. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Customer as a result of improper use of the Goods ordered on the Website.
10. Confidentiality and protection of personal information
10.1. When registering an order on the Website, the Customer provides the following information: Last name, First name, email address, phone number, delivery address.
10.2. By submitting their personal data when registering on the site, the Client agrees to their processing by the Seller, including for the purpose of promoting their goods and services by the Seller.
10.3. The Seller has the right to send advertising and informational messages to the Client. If the Client does not wish to receive mailings from the Seller, he can unsubscribe from the mailing list
10.4. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Client. It is not considered a violation for the Seller to provide information to agents and third parties (Delivery Services) acting on the basis of an agreement with the Seller to fulfill obligations to the Client.
10.5. Disclosure of information in accordance with reasonable and applicable legal requirements is not considered a violation of obligations.
10.6. The Seller is not responsible for the information provided by the Client on the Website in a publicly available form.
11. Other conditions
11.1. The law of the Russian Federation applies to the relationship between the Customer and the Seller.
11.2. In case of questions and complaints from the Client, he must contact the Seller's Customer Service via WhatsApp or e-mail The parties will try to resolve all disputes through negotiations, if an agreement is not reached, the dispute will be referred to a judicial authority in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.